Texas Bike Laws
Hand signals
These points are adapted from the Texas Transportation Code:
1) bicycles are allowed on sidewalks except in business districts or where prohibited by a sign (biking on Rice’s outer loop is prohibited)
2) bicycles must ride close to the right curb whenever practicable unless preparing to make a left turn or passing another vehicle moving in the same direction (with the exception of one-way streets)
3) bicycles must use proper hand signals when turning
4) for night biking, bicycles are required to have a white front headlight and a red rear reflector (although a red rear light is preferable)
5) bicycles must obey all of the same rules of the road as cars, including stopping at stop signs and red lights and obeying one-way signs
6) pedestrians always have the right of way
7) if under 18, bicyclists must wear a helmet